Year: 2016 | Month: December | Volume 6 | Issue 6

Effect of Butylated Hydroxytoluene on Sperm Viability and Acrosomal Integrity in Cryopreserved Hariana Bull Semen

DOI:Coming soon...


The present study was aimed to see the effect of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) as semen additives during cryopreservation of Hariana Bull semen. Twenty four ejaculates from two Hariana bulls extended with glycerolated egg yolk tris (GEYT). Extended samples were split into three aliquots. One aliquot was kept as control while other two aliquots were supplemented with 0.5 mM (T1) and 1.0 mM (T2) of BHT. All semen samples were equilibrated and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen vapours and subsequently plunged in liquid nitrogen for preservation. The effect of BHT was determined by assessment of sperm viability
and acrosomal integrity at three stages i.e. after dilution, pre-freeze and post –thaw. Our study revealed that addition of 1.0 mM of BHT results in a signifi cant (p<0.05) improvement in sperm viability and acrosomal integrity during cryopreservation.

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